Under The Bed Sale 2025 – Cupola Gallery

I have a number of limited edition original prints available in Cupola Contemporary Art gallery in Sheffield in their marvellous Under The Bed Sale
The gallery’s most popular event of the year – several thousand pieces of original artwork arrive at the gallery to be sold off at bargain prices. From £1 up to a maximum price of £350. All work is original – no reproductions. If it has ever been on sale artists are asked to reduce the price by at least 50% as the sale is not about undercutting a market price of current works but about giving older, imperfect or no longer loved works a chance to be seen and hopefully re-homed. The sale is open to all artists, amateur or professional, old or young, experienced or just starting out. Work is not selected. Go worth a rummage!

The concept originated many years ago when the gallery owner, Karen Sherwood, visited an artist friend, Lyn Hodnett, who proceeded to pull out a load of original artwork quite literally from under her bed. She was showing it as example of older and early works.  When asked if she would exhibit it, she said no, as they were out of date and no longer relevant. However, when asked if she would sell them, she answered enthusiastically in the affirmative!

Therein lay the problem: how on earth could she sell them if she didn’t want to show them?  So, after a bit of discussion between them, they came up with the concept of The Under The Bed Sale. And it has been a riot ever since!